Algorithmic Trading

Account information

We get information about the current trading account. Description of trading account parameters.


An object with the parameters of a trader's current trading account

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Trade operations (Positions.Оpen)

Here is a description of methods and properties intended for managing and obtaining information about positions, orders, and deals.

Position - an uncompleted trading operation (unfinished deal). When changing the quotation of a financial instrument, the position keeps a record of the client’s funds (for write-off…

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Trade operations (Positions.Modify)

Swing trading, Technical indicators, Technical trading, Trading algorithms, Trading education, Trading psychology, Trading platforms, Trading signals software, Trading tip, Trading tutorials.

Position - an uncompleted trading operation (unfinished deal). When changing the quotation of a financial instrument,…

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Trade operations (Positions.Close)

Trade operations (Positions.Modify)

Order Type

Trade operations (Positions.Оpen)

Trade operations (Positions.Positions.Check)

Trade operations.Positions.Position.

Connecting C# libraries

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