Trade operations (Positions.Modify)

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Position - an uncompleted trading operation (unfinished deal). When changing the quotation of a financial instrument, the position keeps a record of the client’s funds (for write-off and crediting). 

This section describes properties and methods for working with positions

It sends a request to the server to check if there are enough funds to open a position


We send a request to change an open position.

There are two options for calling a method:

int Positions.Modify(positionId, takeProfit, stopLoss, isJustCheck = false, isAsync = false)


Input parameters:

Parameters Type Description
positionId int Position unique identifier
takeProfit double Take profit. Price level in quoted currency for profit fixing
stopLoss double Stop Loss. Price level in quoted currency for fixing losses.
isJustCheck bool Check mode (enabled or disabled). When the mode is enabled, a request to open a position is not sent, but only the possibility of opening with such parameters is checked. Disabled by default
 = false
isAsync bool Asynchronous mode (enabled or disabled).
Disabled by default
= false


int Positions.Modify(ref position, isJustCheck = false, isAsync = false)


Input parameters:

Parameters Type Description
position ModifyPositionOperation An object that contains all the parameters of the operation to change the position
isJustCheck bool Check mode (enabled or disabled). When the mode is enabled, a request to open a position is not sent, but only the possibility of opening with such parameters is checked. Disabled by default
 = false
isAsync bool Asynchronous mode (enabled or disabled).
Disabled by default
= false

Return value

If isJustCheck = true, it returns the result code of the operation:

0 Check for the possibility of opening was successful. Check occurs on the client side
-1 Check failed


If isAsync = false (synchronous mode by default), it returns the result code of the operation:

0 Position has been successfully modified 
Error code If an error occurs, it returns the server error code


If isAsync = true (asynchronous mode)

0 Position has been successfully modified 
Error code If an error occurs, it returns the server error code


// We modify stoploss and takeprofit of the position
private void ModifyPosition(int positionId)

 string line = "ModifyPosition: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss:fff");
 Position pos = Positions.Find(positionId);
 if (pos != null) {
 double takeProfit = Math.Round(pos.OpenPrice + 4000 / Math.Pow(10, Symbol.Digits), Symbol.Digits); 
 double stopLoss = Math.Round(pos.OpenPrice - 4000 / Math.Pow(10, Symbol.Digits), Symbol.Digits); 
 int err = Positions.Modify(pos.PositionId, takeProfit, stopLoss);
 if (err == 0) {
 line = line + Environment.NewLine +
 " Symbol = " + Symbol.SymbolName + Environment.NewLine +
 " Commission = " + pos.Commission.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " Margin = " + pos.Margin.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " OpenDate = " + pos.OpenDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss:fff") + Environment.NewLine +
 " OpenPrice = " + pos.OpenPrice.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " Label = " + pos.Label + Environment.NewLine +
 " TakeProfit = " + takeProfit.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " StopLoss = " + stopLoss.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " Swap = " + pos.Swap.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " PositionId = " + pos.PositionId.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " PositionType = " + pos.PositionType.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
 " Profit = " + pos.Profit.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
 } else {
 line = line + " Failed, ServerErrorCode = " + err.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
 } else {
 line = line + " Position not found " + Environment.NewLine; 
 using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(mOnTickLog, true))